Future Invest Bon


Invest in a savings insurance policy

Would you like to invest for the long term without putting your savings at risk? Choose for Future Invest Bon, an individual life insurance policy (branch 21) with a term of 8 years and 1 month.


Double guarantee

The Future Invest Bon offers a double guarantee: repayment of the capital (excluding tax and entry fees) at maturity and a guaranteed interest rate.


Contact us

Have you decided to invest through a life insurance policy or would you like more information? Make an appointment with your advisor or call our Easy Banking Centre on 02 433 41 30.

Characteristics of the Future Invest Bon

Discover the many advantages of this individual life insurance policy.

Single premium

You pay a single premium and let your capital grow progressively over 8 years and 1 month. This is possible from €2,500.


You can dispose of your capital, in whole or in part, whenever you want. Redemption is even possible without fees (mobilisation tax remains due) if the redeemed amount represents less than 10% of your total reserve, with a maximum of €50,000 per year. Early redemption may result in a financial correction that, in certain circumstances, can have a significant impact on the redemption value.

Tax benefits

The final repayment is not subject to mobilisation tax.

Monitoring of your Future Invest Bon

You receive an annual detailed statement of your contract, including any allocated beneficiary participation. You can also consult the status of your contract at any time via Easy Banking Web.


The overall yield (excluding fees and taxes) of your Future Invest Bon consists of two guaranteed interest rates, known from the start of the contract, and an eventual beneficiary participation.

Guaranteed interest rates (from 25 January 2025)

  • Guaranteed interest rate of 2.750% applicable to the net premium invested (excluding tax and entry fees), for the first year.
  • Guaranteed interest rate of 2.25% applicable to the accumulated savings, for the next seven years.

The average guaranteed interest rate is thus 2.31%. You know exactly how much your minimum capital will be after 8 years.

After 8 years, the then-applicable rate will be applied to the contract reserve until the end date.

Performance scenarios, based on the methodology imposed by the PRIIPS Regulation (EU Regulation 1286/2014), are included in the Key Information Document.

Annual beneficiary participation

If AG records positive annual results, you may get to participate in the profit.

This eventual beneficiary participation is not guaranteed. It varies depending on AG's results and the economic situation. Moreover, the higher the guaranteed interest rate, the less likely it is that a significant beneficiary participation will be granted. In certain circumstances, it could be low or zero.

Once allocated, the beneficiary participation becomes an integral part of the reserve. The guaranteed interest rate then applies to the total reserve (constituted by the net premium and allocated beneficiary participations).

The insurer has no legal or contractual obligation to grant a beneficiary participation.

What happens in case of death?

What happens if you pass away before the end of your contract?

The accumulated capital, increased by any beneficiary participations, is then paid out to the beneficiaries you have designated. Inheritance tax may be due on the paid-out amount.

Yield at a glance

The overall yield – guaranteed interest rate + eventual beneficiary participation – of the Future Invest Bon in 2024 reached 3.00%.

Here is a summary table of the overall yield since the launch of the Future Invest Bon in 2022. This is a gross yield that does not take into account fees and taxes. Past yields are not a reliable indicator of future yields.

Year Gross overall yield
2024 3,00%
2023 3,00%
2022 2,50%

Responsible investment policy

With the Future Invest Bon, you choose for an investment product that promotes environmental and/or social characteristics. In this context, our partner AG applies various strategies, such as:

  • integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors (e.g. using ESG risk scores)
  • exclusion of controversial activities (tobacco, armaments, coal, unconventional energy sources such as tar sands, shale gas and oil, etc.)
  • exclusion of companies that do not respect the principles of the United Nations Global Compact
  • a "best-in-class" approach
  • active ownership

This branch 21 investment product takes into account environmental and/or social characteristics but does not pursue a sustainable investment objective per se. You can find more information on the strategies AG applies to its branch 21 products in this document.

The "Towards Sustainability" label

The Future Invest Bon received the "Towards Sustainability" label in November 2022. Regularly re-evaluated and under permanent review, this sustainability label is a quality standard supervised by the Central Labelling Agency (CLA). To meet this standard, financial products must meet certain minimum sustainability requirements, both at the portfolio and investment process levels. You can find more information about the label on the CLA website.

Obtaining this label does not mean that the Future Invest Bon meets your own sustainability objectives.

Fees, taxes and risks


  • Entry fees (included in the single premium paid): 3.50% if the paid premium is less than €25,000. You invest at least €25,000 in a Future Invest Bon? In this case, the entry fees are reduced to 3%.
  • Management fees: 0%.
  • Exit fees: 0% at the end of the contract or in case of death.
  • Redemption fees: 0% if the redeemed amount is less than 10% of the accumulated capital (with a maximum of €50,000 per year). In all other cases, the redemption fees amount to 1%, unless the redemption takes place in the last year of the contract.
  • Exceptional redemption commission: in case of redemption during the first 8 years of the contract, a financial adjustment may be applied. The redemption value is then corrected by a factor reflecting the evolution of market interest rates. In a context of rising interest rates, this adjustment can have a significant impact on the redemption value. Learn more about the financial adjustment.


  • Insurance tax: 2% on the premium paid.
  • Mobilisation tax: if you redeem your capital within 8 years of concluding your contract, the mobilisation tax of 30% will be due. It will be calculated based on a minimum return of 4.75%.
  • In case of the insured's death, inheritance tax may be due.

This tax treatment applies to individual investors in Belgium and may be modified in the future. Other categories of investors are invited to inform themselves about the tax treatment applicable to them.

Risks related to the Future Invest Bon

  • This product is protected by the Guarantee Fund based on the protection regime applicable to branch 21 products. In case of AG's default, this Fund intervenes up to €100,000 per policyholder and per insurance company. For amounts exceeding €100,000, only the first €100,000 is guaranteed. The saver therefore bears the risk of losing all or part of the excess amount.
  • Future Invest Bon offers a guaranteed interest rate and an eventual beneficiary participation. If the latter is low or zero, it is possible that the paid-out capital will be lower than the initial single premium, due to taxes, fees and the low level of interest rates.
  • A rise in inflation leads to a loss of yield for all savers and investors. The risk of a negative real rate (guaranteed rate minus inflation) is all the more important as inflation is high.

Want to know more?

Warning: the investor is required to take note of the general xonditions and the key information document before making any investment decision.

Legal information

AG SA, bd É. Jacqmain 53, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 – – Belgian insurance company approved under code 0079, under the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, Bd de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels.

Intermediary: BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702 – is subject as a Belgian credit institution to the prudential supervision of the European Central Bank and the National Bank of Belgium. BNP Paribas Fortis SA is registered under the aforementioned enterprise number with the FSMA, Rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels, and acts as a tied insurance agent, remunerated by commissions, for AG SA. BNP Paribas Fortis SA holds a stake of more than 10% in AG SA.

For any question, you can, in the first instance, contact your advisor or consult Article 21 of the general banking conditions.

Complaints can be submitted to BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Complaints Management Service, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels, or to AG SA, Complaints Management Service, bd É. Jacqmain 53, 1000 Brussels, by phone on 02 664 02 00 or by email to

If the proposed solution does not satisfy you, you can submit your complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman by email to, by post to square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels, or on their website

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