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The Easy Fund Plan is a branch 23 insurance product from AG. This extremely flexible investment formula is designed to allow you to target the potential returns of different asset categories without having to actively manage a portfolio yourself.
From a wide range of investment funds, you choose the one or ones that best combine your expected return and risk tolerance.
Do you have questions about the Easy Fund Plan? Visit a BNP Paribas Fortis branch or contact us online.
Do you have capital that you would like to grow over the long term and are you looking for an attractive potential return? Choose the Easy Fund Plan.
The return on this AG Insurance investment insurance is linked to the performance of investment funds. You also benefit from favourable tax treatment: you pay a 2% insurance tax, but no stock exchange tax, withholding tax or final tax on your return. You also ensure the well-being of your loved ones with the benefits of quality life insurance. In the event of the insured's death, inheritance tax may be due.
The Easy Fund Plan is designed for all budgets. Several formulas are available to you:
Additional premiums are possible from €1,500, including tax.
As soon as your invested capital reaches at least €10,000, you can benefit from several optional protection mechanisms at a moderate cost, which will allow you to strengthen the risk control of your investment: securing profits, limiting losses or the Drip Feed option, which allows you to spread your investment over time.
Nothing is more frustrating than seeing the gains you’ve made disappear. The first optional protection mechanism of your Easy Fund Plan wants to spare you this disappointment.
When the unit value of the selected base fund(s) increases by at least the minimum percentage determined, this protection mechanism transfers the realised gains to AG Life Cash Euro. This destination fund then invests in bonds, money market instruments, time deposits and liquidity, and therefore is less risky than your base fund.
You can choose between three profit securing percentages: 10%, 15% or 20%. In concrete terms, each time the value of your base fund increases by the chosen percentage, the (major part of the) realised gain is protected by transferring units of this fund to the AG Life Cash Euro destination fund.
If there is another depressing situation, it is seeing the value of an investment fall and wondering when and above all at what level this trend will stop.
The Easy Fund Plan offers you the opportunity to opt for a second protection mechanism designed to reduce potential losses in a declining market context. It allows you to automatically transfer all units of the selected base fund to the AG Life Cash Euro destination fund. This fund is more defensive and less sensitive to market fluctuations.
You can choose between three loss limitation percentages: 10%, 15% or 20%. In concrete terms, as soon as the value of your base fund reaches or exceeds the tolerated loss level, all the capital invested in this fund is transferred to the AG Life Cash Euro destination fund.
Once transferred to the destination fund, your investment becomes less sensitive to financial market turbulence. The question remains of reinvestment. After a sharp market decline, many investors hesitate before returning to the financial markets... sometimes for too long! They may therefore miss part of the recovery.
Thanks to automatic reinvestment, this dilemma is spared you. A progressive reinvestment starts from the first working day of the month following the total transfer of your base fund to the destination fund, and is spread over six months.
This monthly reinvestment only concerns the units of the destination fund acquired at the time of the total transfer caused by the loss limitation mechanism.
Dynamic adjustment means that each time the unit value of the base fund increases by 1% compared to the reference value, a new reference value is automatically set. This new reference value is equal to the old reference value increased by 1%.
Consequently, the loss limitation level will be adjusted by applying the chosen loss limitation percentage - 10, 15% or 20% - to the new reference value.
In the context of this adjustment, no unit transfer is applicable.
What is the ideal time to invest in the financial markets? If you want to invest a significant amount, it may be wise to spread your purchases over time rather than investing everything at once. You thus reduce the risk of bad investment timing.
The "Drip Feed" option allows you to avoid the question of timing by organising a progressive monthly investment of your capital into the selected base fund. Thanks to this free option, you can choose between investment periods of 6, 12, 18 or 24 months.
With the help of your advisor, you select the base fund(s) that best combine your return ambitions, the investment strategy to achieve them, and your risk tolerance. All the proposed funds are characterised by a broad diversification of assets and active and professional management.
Your investor profile, of course, should guide your choice. Also keep in mind that, at a moderate cost, you can strengthen the risk control of your investment by activating the optional protection mechanisms provided for in the Easy Fund Plan for an invested capital of at least €10,000. If you decide to activate these protection mechanisms, the transfers to secure your investment will be made automatically to the AG Life Cash Euro destination fund, selected for its defensive nature.
For all the investment funds proposed, you will find useful information in the key information document, the management regulations and the Flash Invest dedicated to them.
You can transfer all or part of your base fund to another fund in your contract - including to the destination fund - or vice versa, provided that this transfer is at least €1,500 and that a reserve of at least €1,500 remains in each fund.
Transfers between funds within the contract are entirely free of charge.
A partial redemption of your investment is possible if:
You can make periodic redemptions to generate additional income, provided that:
The contract is terminated if you demand the entire reserve.
What happens if you die prematurely?
When signing your contract, you designate a beneficiary of the capital of your Easy Fund Plan after your death. In the context of death cover, the death capital corresponds to the total number of units held in each fund of the contract multiplied by the unit value on the day of liquidation. Please consult the general conditions for more information.
A 2% insurance tax is due on premiums paid. You do not pay stock exchange tax, withholding tax or final tax. In the event of death, inheritance tax may be due.
This tax regime applies to private investors in Belgium and may be subject to future changes. Other categories of investors are invited to inform themselves of the tax regime applicable to them.
Entry fees
3% to be added to the net premium
Fees specifically related to the funds associated with each Easy Fund Plan, automatically charged to the unit values
To know the fees specific to each fund and their impact on the potential return, please consult the management regulations and the key information document dedicated to them.
Redemption fee
The redemption fee is 1% of the theoretical redemption value for 2 years and 11 months after the contract takes effect. After this period, no redemption fee is due. No exit fees in the event of the insured's death.
Fees related to protection mechanisms
0.20% of the base fund reserve, per year and per active mechanism. As long as the protection mechanism(s) is/are active, these fees are calculated each month and automatically deducted via a reduction in the number of units of the base fund. The options related to the loss limitation mechanism are free of charge.
No transfer fees between investment funds, are applicable, no matter whether these transfers are made at your request or occur as part of the operation of the protection mechanisms.
Main risks related to the Easy Fund Plan, branch 23 life insurance
Capital risk
There is no capital protection or guaranteed return. The value of investment funds fluctuates with the financial markets. If you sell fund units, you may therefore receive less than the price at which you bought them.
Risks related to protection mechanisms
Although the protection mechanisms aim to limit the negative impact of market fluctuations on your investment, it is possible that their triggering, at certain times in the product's life cycle, may contribute to a return lower than the return of the same base fund without protection mechanism. Moreover, the investor must be aware that, for technical reasons, the triggering of the protection mechanisms is not immediate after crossing a threshold upwards or downwards. This delay may lead, for example, to a greater loss than that targeted by the loss limitation mechanism. Similarly, once triggered, the execution of a protection mechanism cannot be cancelled, even if the market recovers quickly after triggering.
Insurer insolvency
The assets of the fund linked to the life insurance policy taken out by the policyholder are managed separately as a distinct portfolio within the insurer’s assets. In the event of the insurer’s bankruptcy, this portfolio is prioritised to fulfil the commitments to policyholders or beneficiaries.
Regarding a branch 23 life insurance product linked to investment funds, the following risks should not be overlooked.
Unit fluctuation risk (market risk)
The value of a unit depends on the evolution of the value of the underlying assets and market volatility. The financial risk is entirely and at all times borne by the policyholder. Consequently, when making any withdrawal or when liquidating the contract, the unit value may be higher or lower than its value at the time of premium payment. Therefore, the policyholder must be aware that they may not recover (in full) the invested amount.
Liquidity risk
In exceptional circumstances, the liquidation of fund units may be delayed or suspended.
Risks related to fund management
The funds are exposed to different risks that vary depending on the investment objective and policy of these funds and their underlying funds. In order to achieve this investment objective, the managers of each fund may make investments in different asset classes and styles, in varying proportions, depending on market conditions and the fund's investment policy. However, since the return is not guaranteed, there is always a risk that the investments made will not produce the expected results, despite the expertise of the managers.
Before making any investment decision, the investor is required to take note of the general conditions describing the characteristics and fees of the Easy Fund Plan, as well as the key information document and the management regulations dedicated to each of the funds proposed in this context.
The investor can at any time:
The Easy Fund Plan is a branch 23 life insurance product with an indefinite term, without capital protection or guaranteed return, from AG Insurance, a Belgian public limited company, distributed by BNP Paribas Fortis.
AG Insurance SA, Bd É. Jacqmain 53, 1000 Brussels - RPM Brussels - VAT BE 0404.494.849 - www.aginsurance.be - Belgian insurance company approved under code 0079, under the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, Bd de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels.
BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels - RPM Brussels - VAT BE 0403.199.702 - is subject, as a Belgian credit institution, to the prudential supervision of the European Central Bank and the National Bank of Belgium. BNP Paribas Fortis SA is registered under the aforementioned company number with the FSMA, Rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels, and acts as a tied insurance agent, remunerated by commissions, for AG Insurance SA. BNP Paribas Fortis SA holds a stake of more than 10% in AG Insurance SA.
Complaints can be filed with BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Complaints Management Department, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels, or with AG Insurance SA, Complaints Management Department, Bd É. Jacqmain 53, 1000 Brussels, by phone at 02 664 02 00 or by e-mail to customercomplaints@aginsurance.be.
If the solution proposed by BNP Paribas Fortis or AG Insurance does not satisfy you, you can submit your complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman by email at info@ombudsman-insurance.be, by post to Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels, or via their website at www.ombudsman-insurance.be.
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