Top Accidents: what’s included
From reimbursement of your medical expenses to daily compensation if you’re unable to work, Top Accidents insurance offers many benefits: find out more below.
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An accident in your personal life can happen quickly. With Top Accidents by AG, you protect yourself from the financial consequences of physical injury suffered by you or your family.
You choose who you protect. Those close to you can benefit from extended cover in the event of physical injury, anywhere in the world.
Log in and carry out a personalised simulation, then finalise your contract with the help of one of our experts. Your insurance policy will start on the date you request.
Top Accidents is a Belgian-law accident insurance policy from AG, distributed by BNP Paribas Fortis. The policy is valid for 1 year, at the end of which it will be renewed by tacit agreement for the same period, except where it is cancelled at least three months before the renewal date.
For a policy taken out or renewed by tacit agreement on or after 1 October 2024, you have until two months before the renewal date to cancel it. In addition, from the second year onwards, you can cancel the policy at any time. Cancellation will take effect at the end of a 2-month period starting the day after notice is given by registered mail or served upon us, or the day after we provide an acknowledgement of receipt.
Accident insurance is an essential addition to your family insurance, which as standard only covers damage caused to others. Top Accidents also covers any financial loss you suffer as a result of an accident.
Until 30 June 2025, you can get a discount when taking out a new Top Accidents policy.
Benefit from a 10% discount throughout the term of your new policy if you also have one of the following with BNP Paribas Fortis:
Benefit from a 10% discount during the first year of your policy if you don’t qualify for the loyalty bonus.
Top Accidents: what’s included
From reimbursement of your medical expenses to daily compensation if you’re unable to work, Top Accidents insurance offers many benefits: find out more below.
Reimbursement of your medical expenses
Consultations and any medical procedures are reimbursed. Repatriation is also included. The policy pays out after reimbursements made by your mutual health insurer.
Veterinary fees
This cover is included in all insurance formulas, and pays out if your dog or cat suffers an accident, subject to a limit of one accident per year and a maximum sum of €1,000, with a €100 excess.
Payment of a lump sum in case of permanent disability
If you suffer any kind of permanent disability – with a degree of disability as low as 1% – you receive a fixed amount to compensate for the long-term financial consequences.
Daily compensation if you’re temporarily unable to work
Your accident insurance compensates for the indirect consequences of an accident, for example, the use of a babysitter. You receive a fixed daily amount, and you can choose to take out this optional cover for both yourself and your partner.
Payment of a lump sum to your loved ones in the event of death
Top Accidents supports your loved ones by paying them a lump sum if you or a family member dies.
Psychological assistance
After an accident, you can get assistance 24/7. Thanks to our partner AG, you have access, if necessary, to three appointments with a psychologist after an accident or the death of a loved one.
In what circumstances does Top Accidents support you?
Top Accidents helps with the financial consequences of physical injuries, even if you or a family member is responsible for the accident. This individual accident insurance policy from our partner AG reimburses your medical expenses, but also:
You can choose from 3 formulas
And since your pets are also your loved ones, "veterinary fees for dogs and cats" cover is included in all three formulas.
This pack covers things such as:
You receive compensation under your Top Accidents policy (for the temporary inability to work, permanent disability or death) in addition to other cover that you may have, for example from your mutual health insurance company or other insurance policies (e.g. sports, school, family, traffic etc.).
Top Accidents covers the financial consequences of accidents resulting in physical injury in your personal life. The policy offers protection worldwide.
Top Accidents covers activities at home, in traffic, during a hobby, during unpaid participation in a sport, travel, school activities etc.
medical expenses
loss of income and expenses related to a temporary inability to work
related to permanent disability
related to death
accidents resulting from an intentional act committed by the insured or the beneficiary
accidents due to the insured being in a state of intoxication or a similar state
accidents occurring during your work activity or on the way to work
accidents occurring during the practice of air sports (such as parachuting, gliding or hang-gliding), without an instructor or pilot who holds the required licences, and during dives deeper than 40 metres or without an instructor
accidents occurring during the practice of extreme sports such as high diving, bungee jumping, wing flying, ski jumping and freeride, as well as during horse racing, racing competitions involving a means of transport, winter sports competitions, combat sports or martial arts
To find out the exact scope of the cover provided by Top Accidents, refer to the standard terms and conditions of the policy. You can also find its main characteristics in the information document. You can obtain these documents free of charge at a branch or via the Easy Banking Centre by calling 02 433 41 30.
The following documents provide additional information on Top Accidents insurance
Complaints can be made to BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Complaints Department (JQABD), Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels (tel. 02 228 72 18, email gestiondesplaintes@bnpparibasfortis.com), or via the online form available on www.bnpparibasfortis.be > Suggestions or complaints > online complaints form.
If you’re not happy with the proposed solution, you can send your complaint by post to the Insurance Ombudsman, Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels – BCE 884.072.054 – Tel: 02 547 58 71– info@ombudsman-insurance.be - www.ombudsman-insurance.be
After logging in, get a no-obligation quote for your accident insurance
Finalise your contract with the help of an advisor (available in branch or by phone)
Sign your contract in branch or via Easy Banking Web
If you, the members of your household, your child or your pet damage a property or injure someone, family insurance provides effective protection for you and your family.
With comprehensive legal expenses insurance, one policy covers you across many areas of law.
Travel within Belgium and abroad with peace of mind with our tailor-made insurance.
AG Insurance SA/nv – 53 Boulevard Emile Jacqmain, B-1000 Brussels – RPM/RPR Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 – www.aginsurance.be - info@aginsurance.be Accredited insurance company licenced under code number 0079, under the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, 14 Boulevard de Berlaimont, B-1000 Brussels.
Intermediary: BNP Paribas Fortis SA/nv – 3 Montagne du Parc, B-1000 Brussels – RPM/RPR Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702, registered with the FSMA, 12-14 Rue du Congrès, B-1000 Brussels, under code number 025879 and acting as a contractually appointed insurance agent on behalf of AG Insurance SA/nv. BNP Paribas Fortis SA/nv holds a stake of more than 10% in AG Insurance SA/nv.
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