I have moved or I have a new identity card. What should I do?

The easiest way to update your details is via Easy Banking Web. To do this, you need a Belgian electronic identity card and an identity card reader.

The card reader you received from the bank cannot read identity cards.

1. Connect the electronic identity card reader to your computer.
2. Log in to Easy Banking Web.
3. Click on the profile icon next to your name at the top right.
4. Click on Personal Data.
5. Click on Modify Data.
6. Choose Update and follow the on-screen instructions.
7. Your home address and identity card details will be updated immediately.

Don't have a Belgian electronic identity card? Contact our Easy Banking Centre via the Easy Banking App or using your 5-digit Easy Banking Phone code. Or make an appointment at one of our branches.

No eID card reader? You can update your details at one of our branches or at a CASH point.

Important: if you have your identity card read, only your official home address will be re-registered and updated.

Your postal address is separate from your identity and can only be changed manually by you.

In the event of a move, don't forget to check both your home address and new postal address and pass them on to us.


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